Cooking Tips

  • With a one year old baby around, it is not always possible for me to go out and buy fresh vegetables/fruits every time. I usually buy enough to last for a week or two and sometimes i end up wasting a thing or two, especially herbs like parsley and coriander, etc. I wonder if you also experience similar problems when it comes to storing food. I came across this wonderful webpage that talks in detail about how to store your food and make it last longer. Thought I'd share this with you. I loved it and will definitely try out all the tips given here. Cheers :)


  1. Hi Puneeta!
    Great blog! And thanks for posting the link about keeping groceries fresh.
    I actually chop up herbs like coriander and keep them in the freezer in ziploc bags - they will keep for ages and are perfect for use in Indian dishes. I also do the same thing with green chillis, and then grate part of the frozen block off when I want to use it. I also keep whole ginger stems in ziplocs in the freezer and grate it when needed - I find that a "microplane" is very useful for grating.
    Keep up the good work, I look forward to reading more recipes on your blog!

    1. Hi Baldeesh,
      Thanks a ton. Frankly, I never thought I would have a cooking blog of my own..ha ha :)I was not very passionate about cooking until recently. My 1.5 year old son is really very choosy when it comes to eating and initially I struggled to make something which he would eat happily. My "prolonged" time in the kitche ;) worked and I started experimenting with various things and this blog is a result of that!! Now, I kinda love cooking and trying new things on and off. I am not an expert but manage to come up with a decent meal for my hubby and my little imp :) I am glad you liked my blog. Good to see that you are already doing some of the things mentioned under the link I pasted above. The link is indeed nice though I must admit that I get lazy at times. I loved the tip on keeping the potatoes and onions separate. I guess for most of us, the potatoes and onions always go together into the same place...I changed that and now they actually stay good for longer time...:)
      I am planning to learn/experiment with baking soon..Hope to post some good check them out!!
      Till then!!
      Happy Cooking :)

    2. Oh..and I use a microplane is quite handy, at least for small things like garlic and ginger. Actually, grating frozen stuff is much easier.

  2. Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.

  3. I hope you will keep on submitting new articles or blog posts & thank you for sharing your great experience with us.
